Unlikely Friends Forgive “FUN”draiser

This event is a fundraiser for Bradley Angle & the Q Center brought to you by ALARK. At this event we are screening the film Unlikely Friends Forgive. There will be food, drink and entertainment including a closing number by the lovely Araña Aria. Please join us in acknowledging Domestic Violence Awareness Month. (In October 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month was observed. That same year the first national toll-free hotline was begun. In 1989 the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month Commemorative Legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress.) There is a suggested donation fee of $3. We are also accepting non-perishable items as well. This event is being held to build awareness in our communities against Domestic Violence, to raise monies for those who are in need of shelter from violence and to encourage the healing process for anyone who has experienced such violence. Please join us in raising money for this incredibly worthy cause.Unlikely Friends Forgive Flyer

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